Tonight in THE LEAGUE action-- Clima-dew with the help of WillyG and the rest of the purple monsters came out shooting da lights out right from the start---Yerkies was looking like he took a page out of Swappy's notebook from last week by dialing in from long-distance---Clarky and Sproules continued to dominate the middle heading into half-time as Gray looked to make a come-back it was all Purple +15 in the 1st-half--- Gray-team woke up from a nap and came out running and gunning right from the start off the 2nd-half---Led by the hustle of JPerk, Webster, Wambo & company Grey was able to climb right back into the game with points in transition off of good team defense-JJ, Nappy & Ratty showed the spectator's how team Defense was played--and put on a defensive clinic for the purple team-- Yerkie screamed like he needed 2 see a DR. because he was fouled so hard--but the ref said no and ball---after what Yerkie had to say the Ref--I'd say he didnt agree with the call and was T'd the F up-- Next thing you know---Gray team is backkkkkk 

(yeah, and we were back in the game)... 

The Purple Team (& WIllyG) gave it all they had on both ends of the asphalt in a close back & forth game for the last 12 minutes--- but ultimately it was great foul shooting down the stretch for Grey team that lead them too another Grey team victory! 

In the night-cap with Blue Teams always deadly combination of the Gambee Brother, Stoney Cold & There new ringer---proved again that they were wayy to much for the Black-teams Costello Brothers and O'sull/CRuss twin/swagbrother remix too much the black team another loss this summer..

Check out the new league standings

---Heading into to the final week of THE LEAGUE...can gray team do the impossible and become the 1st team to go a whole summer undefeated? OR can black refuse to allow a winless summer from happening..this sunday promises it will be another historic sunday in THE LEAGUE...can purple get back on track against blue...or does blue have another beast hiding up one of stone colds sleeves..hopefully purple can re-group in and get back on track before a possible play-off preview this SundaY!!! Should be interesting---see you all next Sunday @ 630 

Black Vs. Gray @ 6:30 

Purple Vs. Blue @ 7:20

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