The League

When? Sunday Nights

Time? Tip-Offs: 6:30 and 7:30

Where? Church Street

Good teams become great ones when the members trust each other enough to surrender the Me for the We.

Phil Jackson

THE LEAGUE 2010     Where Amazing Happens     THE LEAGUE 2010

Established in 2004
This will be the 6th summer of 
The League running 

Dan Spector


The Commissioner

In the summer of 2004 

Dan and a couple of friends decided that it was time to bring basketball back to THE BRIDGE...word spread and THE LEAGUE was born.

 THE LEAGUE is now made up of 32 of the best ballers THE BRIDGE has to offer--4 colors--&    no contracts just a lot of heart


(Oh, & did i mention bragging rights for a year?)                                

The League has also created some of the biggest rivalries the South Shore has ever seen--so get green? get white? blackout? get blue? or get grey?

Come check out THE LEAGUE this summer every Sunday night

Don't forget to wear your


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